8天6晚 上海-迪斯尼/杭州/南浔/无锡/苏州/常熟 8D6N SHANGHAI-DISNEY/ HANGZHOU/ NANXUN/ WUXI/ SUZHOU/ CHANGSHU 风味餐 Cuisine 购物店 Shopping Shop ·   叫花鸡 ·   东坡肉 ·   杭帮 ·   太湖 ·   排骨 ·   舌尖上的中国II风镇大肉面 ·   蒸菜 ·   小笼包 ·   本帮 ·  Beggar’s Chicken Flavor ·  Dong Po Meat Flavor ·   Hangbang Flavor ·   Suzhou A Bite Of China II Fengzhen Meat Noodles ·  […]

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6天5晚 桂林/ 阳朔/ 荔浦/ 龙胜 6D5N GUILIN/ YANGSHUO/ LIPU/ LONGSHENG 风味餐 Cuisine 购物店 Shopping Shop ·  桂林风味   (Guilin Cuisine) ·  阳朔啤酒鱼(Yangshuo Beer Fish) ·  芋头宴 (Taro Flavor) ·  南国菌宴 (South Mushroom Feats) ·  龙胜风味 (Longsheng Cuisine) ·  味玉尔宴 (Osmanthus Cuisine) ·  农家宴 (Farm House Feast) ·    丝绸 (Slik Factory) ·    茶叶 (Tea Shop) […]

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4D3N Miri & Niah & Crocodile Farm

MIRI As one of the most popular destinations in Sarawak, Miri forms a gateway to the famous Gunung Mulu National Park and Niah National Park. Miri used to be a bit of a cowboy village in the past, where people mainly came in search of oil. It is said that Malaysia’s petroleum industry once started […]

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4D3N Miri & Mulu Show Caves

Mulu National Park is an UNESCO World Heritage Site listed in year 2000. Mulu’s limestone karst and isolated mountain peaks are home to numerous rare and endemic plants and animals. Whether you are looking for a tranquil escape in the rainforest of Borneo, the physical challenge of trekking summits and climbing through expansive cave systems or perhaps somewhere in between, Mulu will tantalize your senses and leave you wanting to discover more.

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3D2N Miri & Niah

MIRI As one of the most popular destinations in Sarawak, Miri forms a gateway to the famous Gunung Mulu National Park and Niah National Park. Miri used to be a bit of a cowboy village in the past, where people mainly came in search of oil. It is said that Malaysia’s petroleum industry once started […]

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4D3N Miri & Brunei & Niah

MIRI As one of the most popular destinations in Sarawak, Miri forms a gateway to the famous Gunung Mulu National Park and Niah National Park. Miri used to be a bit of a cowboy village in the past, where people mainly came in search of oil. It is said that Malaysia’s petroleum industry once started […]

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3D2N Bario Highland

BARIO HIGHLAND Surrounded by mountains, many hidden gems are to be found in Bario, the heart of Borneo, a village located in the northeastern region of Sarawak. It is home to the Kelabit tribe, one of the many Orang Ulu (upriver) tribes of Sarawak. The Kelabit population is only about 6,000 strong in Sarawak, out […]

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9D7N Zhang Jia Jie (Glass Bridge/ Phoenix Ancient Town) 张家界 (玻璃桥/世外桃源/凤凰古镇)

9天 7 晚张家界玻璃桥 / 世外桃源 / 凤凰古镇
9D7N ZhangJiaJie Glass Bridge/ Phoenix Ancient Town

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Niah Caves Day Tour

Niah National Park’s main claim to fame is its role as one of the birthplaces of civilization in the region. The oldest modern human remains discovered in Southeast Asia were found at Niah, making the park one of the most important archaeological sites in the world. In 1958, a discovery was made which confirmed Niah’s place as a site of major archaeological significance. Harrison and his team unearthed a skull which was estimated to be 40,000 years old.

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4D3N Mulu Show Caves & Pinnacles

Mulu National Park is an UNESCO World Heritage Site listed in year 2000. Mulu’s limestone karst and isolated mountain peaks are home to numerous rare and endemic plants and animals. Whether you are looking for a tranquil escape in the rainforest of Borneo, the physical challenge of trekking summits and climbing through expansive cave systems or perhaps somewhere in between, Mulu will tantalize your senses and leave you wanting to discover more.

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